
Baby Jogger Essentials #1: What to pack to take to hospital?
It can be a daunting process packing up the car to head to hospital before the arrival of your baby. One thing is certain – you can never be too early or too organized!
Here is a quick snapshot of the key things to consider before you head off to hospital to meet your little bundle of joy.
- Ensure your car seat is correctly and securely fitted in your car to transport baby safely home from hospital. Our City GO Baby Capsule provides a safe place for baby to join in the family adventures from day one and can also adapt to your favourite Baby Jogger stroller to create a complete travel system.

(Image above via, pictured with our City Go Baby Capsule.)
- Ensure the hospital bag is packed with clean sleep suits - you will be amazed how many suits they go through in the first days after their arrival! You will also need an outfit for baby to wear on the way home from hospital, blanket, muslin wraps and mittens. Don’t forget to include your Medicare and/ or private health insurance details, hospital paperwork, a birth plan (if you have one), nursing bras, breast pads & maternity pads.

(Image above via The Petunia Pickle Bottom Nappy Bags are available to purchase at
- Comforts from home – whether it is your favourite pillow, toiletries, dressing gown and slippers, magazines or book, headphones so you can enjoy some relaxing music, or even your favourite snacks, these items will be invaluable in the lead up and post-delivery and will ensure you are as comfortable as possible.

(Pictured above is the Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller which is available with bassinet).
From all of us at Baby Jogger Australia, we wish you all the best at this very exciting time in your life!